Do Your Email Marketing Like This

Do Your Email Marketing Like This

Email marketing is an effective content marketing strategy that many businesses use today. It has been around for a long time, and for good reason. Email marketing has consistently outperformed all other marketing channels in terms of communicating and nurturing leads and converting them into customers.

Wondering how to get started with Email Marketing to grow your business? While email marketing is made up of many working components, it does not have to be difficult. In this guide, we will talk about tips on how you can run and create an email marketing template effectively.

How to Create Email Marketing Template

Creating an effective email marketing template can save up much of your time. The interesting thing about effective emails is that they all have the same basic components, whether it’s personalizing the message for the recipient or writing persuasive copy. You can also use email marketing templates for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Promotional emails for sales or exclusive deals
  • Seasonal emails to celebrate special occasions and holidays
  • Loyalty plans and rewards for loyal customers
  • Transactional emails for order confirmations and upselling opportunities
  • Feedback emails that engage your customers and ask them for their experience with your business, products, and services

Fortunately, most email marketing software now includes templates that you can use to quickly create a unique message in a pre-designed email. Like ActiveSend, an online email marketing tool that comes with professional email templates, easy-to-use design tools, and top-notch deliverability.

Once you’ve decided the template you want, all you have to do is drag and drop content blocks into the template, add photos and copy, and hit the send button. The pre-built templates are also designed to run on any device, so your recipients can access your email on their phone, tablet, or computer without having to worry about content being cut off or sized incorrectly.

You don’t need to have fancy designs on your emails. Email campaigns can be just as powerful using plain text emails and letting your message speak on its own. Each of these templates is sent out automatically using “triggers.” For example, when a customer purchases a product or subscribes to your email, they will receive an automatic thank you or welcome email. All of this is accomplished with minimum effort on your part while also assisting you in developing customer relationships.

4 Examples of Effective Email Marketing Template

Personalization, upselling, re-engagement, customer feedback are the types of emails that most businesses are using. Here are some examples of effective email marketing templates for you to get an idea to run a successful email marketing campaign.

  1. Personalization: Airbnb

From its consumers to its hosts, Airbnb’s entire marketing campaign is built on a strong pillar of trust. Their emails frequently use customer data, such as current city, to personalize emails in a way that strengthens their relationship with them. Airbnb keeps a record of which cities you’ve looked at for available properties and gives you customized suggestions based on your preferences.

The email works because, despite the fact that it is simply a template, key details have been changed to make it exclusive to the reader. Airbnb makes it simple to find the ideal property by simply entering their name and the city they were looking for previously.

  1. Upselling: Dollar Shave Club

If you’ve made a business with a client, now is the time to see if they’re interested in anything else you have to offer. When a customer receives their order confirmation text, Dollar Shave Club politely encourages them to make additional purchases. The business has added related items underneath the customer’s order that they can add to their shopping bag with a single click.

  1. Re-engagement: Dropbox

Not all customers or subscribers on your mailing list are looking forward to receiving your emails. In reality, many customers on businesses’ email lists are disengaging from them on a daily basis, whether due to email exhaustion or simply being too preoccupied with other things in life. The worst-case scenario is that if they unsubscribe from your email list, you potentially lose their business.

To be able to entice them to pay attention once more, use an email re-engagement campaign. The DropBox email has a simple, short yet funny message, “Recently your DropBox has been feeling kind of lonely 🙁 We hope you come back to DropBox!” It’s a friendly reminder to Dropbox users and subscribers who haven’t used the service in a while that it’s still useful and can help them keep their files. 

  1. Customer feedback: CafePod

One of the most effective ways to keep customers satisfied and enhance your products and services is to seek feedback from them. Soliciting feedback through email surveys and pre-built templates is easy and straightforward. Consider sending feedback emails to customers a few days after they’ve received an order or shortly after they’ve spoken with a member of your customer service team.

CafePod included clickable links in their email to answer their question asking for reviews, enabling customers to provide feedback easily without having to write an email.

Getting Started to Your Email Marketing Campaign with ActiveSend

When you hear terms like triggers, automation, sequences, and how to do email marketing campaigns can seem daunting, particularly if you’re short on time and resources. That’s why ActiveSend made it possible to give businesses cost-effective email marketing and email tools to easily connect with their customers. 

You can make beautiful email templates with ActiveSend even if you don’t have coding skills. When you send a message to your clients, you have the choice of when you want to send it. Build connections with your customers by offering promotions, the launch of new services and products, release new information, or just asking for feedback!

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